Thursday, August 3, 2017

How to Crush it at Neighborhood Farming

How to Crush it at Neighborhood Farming
Real Estate Neighborhood Farming

After getting your real estate license, it’s time to start farming your community to become the local real estate expert. Follow these tips and you’ll be the go-to agent in no time!

Walk and Drive

Master your mental map of the community you’re farming. In order to become the go-to source for all info on homes in the area, you should have not only a statistical familiarity with it, but a personal account of it. Drive around and take walks through the neighborhoods, noting trends in properties and culture. Learn tips that would be of use to future residents – what are the best routes to local stores, which are the most walkable areas, where are the best parks and schools?

Send Post Cards and Little Treats

Once you get to know the area, it’s time to start reaching out to residents. Make your name and expertise known, and allow platforms for residents to feel heard as well. This may seem like a tall order, but it can be simple to start. Make a good impression with gifts – from notepads to magnets. Follow up with postcards so they know just where to find you. It will take consistent contact to make a lasting impression, so make weekly contact using different types of materials. Try coupling this mailing campaign with a door-knocking campaign – an in-person meeting has the potential to make an even stronger impression.

Get Involved

What’s better than being an expert? Being an expert who people know and relate to personally. Ensure that you make a strong and lasting impression by getting involved in the community and showing residents that you care. But how do you go about doing this? There are plenty of opportunities. Take your farming walks on Saturday mornings and visit garage sales. Don’t just stop by – talk to and connect with the people there. Visit local businesses and chat with the owners and clientele. Host plenty of open houses – and advertise them well with your mailing campaign. If you want to go really above and beyond, throw a block party! You’ll be providing a community service plus getting a new opportunity to connect with residents.

Update Your Real Estate Blog with Local News

As you learn about the area and stay up to date with all its happenings, keep residents in the loop! A great way to do this is through your blog. Write up regular newsletters that share local real estate trends and news, and share this through your mailing list – both snail mail and email. Encourage people you meet to follow you and sign up for your email list, and as they learn they can depend on you they’ll be more likely to sign up and stay signed up. This will help establish a consistent flow between you and the residents, while also strengthening your position as the local expert.

Connect on Social Media

Find community groups on social media sites and get connected! Many neighborhoods have group pages on Facebook where they share local updates. Join the conversations. Offer updates and advice of your own. Don’t use it as a time to blatantly advertise, but as an opportunity to actually build relationships. Your other marketing materials can do the advertising for you. The purpose of your social media presence is to solidify your name as a trustworthy source of information and as a valuable member of the community who is invested in its well being.

Local Real Estate Expert
Local Real Estate and Culture
Local Real Estate New York Neighborhood
Local Real Estate Neighborhood Street


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